Sublime Line: “Titan’s Tears is a fast-paced and highly imaginative sci-fi novel with unexpected twists that capture the reader’s attention from the outset.”
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Sublime Line: “Titan’s Tears is a fast-paced and highly imaginative sci-fi novel with unexpected twists that capture the reader’s attention from the outset.”
Sublime Line: “Bloodwork is an unusual, dark love story that brings together two predators with an unstoppable destiny.”
Sublime Line: “A memorable, immensely creative work of literary fiction, this novel draws the reader in from the first page.”
Sublime Line: “Yvonne deSousa artfully illuminates the complexities of love and addiction in this coming-ofage memoir.”
Sublime Line: “A masterfully written memoir that touches, moves, inspires and enlightens – a definite must-read.”
Sublime Line: “Loophole is an unforgettable action adventure, served with a delightful sprinkling of the supernatural and a generous dose of humor.”
Sublime Line: “An intriguing tale of two exceptional women, separated by a century, but connected by common relationships and traumas.”
Sublime Line: “With its quirky characters and amusing mishaps, this compelling adventure novel takes readers on a journey for justice while touching on profound societal issues.”
Sublime Line: “Killer Dreams is a wonderful mix of suspense, mystery, and emotional trauma, filled with unexpected twists.”
Sublime Line: Sea Glass Memories, the second novel in the enchanting Seahaven Series, weaves a beautifully intricate tale of healing, love, and resilience.
Sublime Line: “Extinguishing Shadows is a vivid, imaginative, paranormal adventure filled with action and romance.”
Sublime Line: “A deep and poignant exploration of mental illness and cultural adversity in the lives of a multiracial family.”
Sublime Line: “Hyphenated Relations is a moving novel that explores complex family dynamics with humor and skillful plotting.”
Sublime Line: “Sasha Lauren evokes empathy and inspires hope as she navigates the complexity of difficult topics through the powerful love story of Angela and Tucker.”
Sublime Line: “A fascinating dedication to a man who experienced the raw action of the Air Force over decades of his career.”
Sublime Line: “Five stars for Gail Olmsted’s highly entertaining return of Miranda Quinn – another winner.”
Sublime Line: “A memorable psychological thriller that will drag you through a series of mind-bending twists to a surprise ending.”
Sublime line: “Busch delivers an engaging and action-packed novel with intriguing characters and a finely-tuned plot.”
Sublime Line: “Prepare for impact with this action-packed and thought-provoking apocalyptic novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat.”
Sublime Line: “Conflicts, hot topics, and the power of friendship are front and center in this engaging historical novel.”