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Shelter of the Monument by Yvonne deSousa

Shelter of the Monument by Yvonne deSousa


Shelter of the Monument

Yvonne deSousa

Black Rose Writing, 297 pages

9791685133160, 11.16.23

Overall Rating = 5

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 5

In this skillfully written memoir, Shelter of the Monument, Yvonne deSousa unveils a profound, yet imperfect love story set in her hometown, Provincetown. The narrative takes the reader through a coming-of-age love story between Yvonne and Richard, their lives intricately weaving together from the moment they met, and it navigates their relationship affected by the impact of Richard’s addiction and other obstacles that strive to keep them apart.

Through her descriptive narrative of Provincetown, deSousa invites the reader into the artfully detailed smalltown setting. Despite the complexities of loving someone with an addiction, the author writes with empathy and paints Richard with many layers that go further than his affliction. From the outset, the author portrays the magnetic pull towards Richard, making it relatable to those in similar situations. Yvonne’s vulnerability and passion draw the reader in, and more importantly, she brings awareness to larger issues and their impact on the people around them. While this book would be suitable for someone seeking to immerse themselves in an unconventional love story, it is a great read for those who can relate to Yvonne’s story. Shelter of the Monument offers a look into the life of addiction through a raw and compassionate lens.

Sublime Line: “Yvonne deSousa artfully illuminates the complexities of love and addiction in this coming-ofage memoir.”

Sublime Book Review



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