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Killer Dreams by Vincent Donovan

Killer Dreams by Vincent Donovan


Killer Dreams

Vincent Donovan

Black Rose Writing, 313 pages

9791685132552, 8.16.23

Overall Rating = 4.5

Storyline & Concept = 4.5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 4

Cassie MacLean has dealt with the fallout of a horrible car accident for ten years, the time that her mother spent in a coma after being accused of killing five people. The residents of the town have not forgotten who was responsible and the slow awakening of Rose Owens awakens the town in turn. A new technology sows doubts in Cassie’s mind, and she sets out on a quest to find out who was really driving that night, risking her marriage, her family, her job, and her sanity.

Vincent Donovan has created a gripping story with Killer Dreams, while raising questions about the power of faith, the fine line between family loyalty and betrayal, and who you should trust. Using a captivating writing style and just the right balance of pacing, the author takes the reader into the head and heart of Cassie while she struggles with her pain and conflicting emotions. The vindictiveness of the town residents surprised me as they seemed to blame everyone in Rose’s orbit for the accident, but this was balanced by the deep compassion of a few. Killer Dreams is written with a deft hand and a vivid imagination and would appeal to a broad range of readers.

Sublime Line: “Killer Dreams is a wonderful mix of suspense, mystery, and emotional trauma, filled with unexpected twists.”

Sublime Book Review



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