Butcherville by Chris Kelsey
Chris Kelsey
Black Rose Writing, 217 pages
9781684334254, 1.23.20
Overall Rating = 4.83
Storyline & Concept = 5
Writing & Delivery = 5
Editorial = 4.5
Butcherville, set in a small town in Oklahoma of the same name, is a suspense thriller starring Emmett Hardy, the police chief from the neighboring town of Burr. Chief Hardy is plagued by his own personal challenges, but is willing to defy authority, his friends, and the nefarious influence of the town’s leading businessman in order to find a young kidnapping victim.
This is a captivating read, definitely one of the best I’ve read in recent memory. The characters are engaging; the narrative is snappy, witty, and charming; and the descriptions pull you firmly into the setting. The steady flow of action keeps the pages turning.
With a little research, I discovered this is the second Emmett Hardy book. I will be grabbing a copy of the first one and waiting for those that follow. Chris Kelsey has gained a new fan.
Sublime Line: “This top-notch suspense thriller will seize your attention, and you’ll be enthralled by the characters and the author’s witty and appealing style.”
Sublime Book Review