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Fallible by Kyle Bradford Jones

Fallible by Kyle Bradford Jones



Kyle Bradford Jones

Black Rose Writing, 349 pages

9781684334551, 4.2.20


Overall Rating = 4.83

Storyline & Concept = 4.75

Writing & Delivery = 4.75

Editorial = 5

Fallible is a memoir written by a medical doctor about his experience of living with anxiety and depression amid grueling medical training and the everyday realities of the profession.

This exceptionally well-written account highlights the little-known fact that many medical professionals struggle with mental illness even while being burdened with the responsibility of caring for others. It gives readers an inside view of a system that, in many cases, creates and/or helps to feed the monster.

Of equal importance, the book talks about the stigma attached to mental illness and the need to increase awareness of the problem. Dr. Jones demonstrates courage and determination as he bares his soul and speaks about his very personal experiences.

Sublime line: “This is an eye-opening memoir about mental illness and the medical profession delivered in a well-written, interesting, and engaging style.”


Sublime Book Review



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