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Three Days by Felicia Case & Michael Wojciechowski

Three Days by Felicia Case & Michael Wojciechowski


Three Days

Felicia Case & Michael Wojciechowski

Black Rose Writing, 205 pages

9781684332564, 4.24.2019


Overall Rating = 4.33

Storyline & Concept = 4.5

Writing & Delivery = 4.25

Editorial = 4.25

Three Days is the story of a couple who meet on a plane on their way to Chicago and fall in love over the course of a three-day weekend. The initial setup reveals that the man is a bestselling writer who prefers to hide his identity from the public, and the woman is critical of his latest work, without realizing she’s sitting beside the author. Their subsequent relationship is hindered by various circumstances, including near-misses and misunderstandings.


This is a quick read, delivered in a unique fashion. The chapters alternate between female and male points of view, which makes for an interesting outlook on this love story. The characters are well-developed, and the pacing is fast. I had no trouble turning the pages, and although I had initially been worried about the predictability of the story, the authors had a few surprises in store to prove me wrong. I can easily imagine this as a made-for-TV movie.


Sublime Line: “A refreshing and entertaining story about love, loss, and lessons learned from bad decisions.”

Sublime Book Review



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