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A Twinkle in the Eyes of God by David William Pearce

A Twinkle in the Eyes of God by David William Pearce


A Twinkle in the Eyes of God

David William Pearce

Black Rose Writing, 261 pages

9781684334131, 1.9.20


Overall Rating = 4

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing & Delivery = 4.5

Cover Marketability = 3.5

Editorial = 4

A Twinkle in the Eyes of God definitely caught me right out of the gate. Monk Buttman is your everyday guy who is forced to deal with extraordinary circumstances. A sarcastic lady’s man that will relate to you on many levels, Monk will keep you entertained while trying to find out what happened to his estranged daughter’s husband. When a dysfunctional group is forced to work together, it is always interesting to see who’s going to be the commanding voice. Monk Buttman makes it clear who is in charge - the normal, everyday guy we can all relate to.

Sublime Line: “Highly recommended to any fans of humor mysteries with a complex cast.”


Sublime Book Review



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