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Tiger Season by Gojan Nikolich

Tiger Season by Gojan Nikolich


Tiger Season

Gojan Nikolich

Black Rose Writing, 375 pages

9781685135003, 10.31.2024

Overall Rating = 4.58

Storyline & Concept = 4.25

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 4.5

In 1960s Korea, GI Eddie Profar, with the help of his eccentric Russian-Korean friend Yevgeny Lee, becomes entangled in a political two-step between ambitious generals and the North Korean military that involves a tunnel and an immense tiger who establishes a strange connection with Eddie. When Eddie falls in love with Jia, a beautiful Korean courtesan, and wants to save her from her life and her sleazy pimp, Lee proposes a plan that will benefit everyone, but not without risks.

This novel takes the reader deep into the Korean war and its tenuous afterlife, immersing us into the setting and details of life as an American soldier in this beautiful country, riddled with the scars of conflict. Honest and idealistic Eddie Profar grapples with the corruption and reality of military politics, while his weed-loving friend recounts stories from his many past lives. With exceptional character development, it was easy to become invested in the lives of Eddie, Lee, and Jia. The plot vacillated between heartbreak, humor, gruesomeness, and action, weaving the symbolism of the tiger throughout. The pace increased after the first third of the novel, taking us through Jia’s earlier life and setting the stage for Eddie’s plan. This novel is more than just a history lesson – it’s a rollercoaster of emotions swerving and twisting between humor, loyalty, fear, love, and heartbreak.

Sublime Line: “Get ready to face the beast in this breathtaking novel of action, corruption, and love.”


Sublime Book Review



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