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Beautiful and Terrible Things by S.M. Stevens

Beautiful and Terrible Things by S.M. Stevens


Beautiful and Terrible Things

S.M. Stevens

Black Rose Writing, 391 pages

9781685134471, 7.17.2024

Overall Rating = 4.5

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 4.5

Charley Byrne’s world is a cocoon, spun from fear and solitude. Working in and living above a bookstore, she finds solace in the silent company of books. The charismatic Xander Wallace pulls her away from the familiar and introduces her to his group of friends and his interests as an activist. She initially thrives, but these newfound connections bring their own trials and difficulties, sending Charley into a downward spiral.

The author masterfully creates characters as diverse as the city they live in, each bringing a unique perspective, enriching the narrative with depth and authenticity. Xander’s infectious energy becomes a catalyst for Charley’s transformation, drawing her into a vibrant world of activism and friendship. The bookstore is depicted as a haven of comfort. The city streets, filled with the undercurrent of social unrest, are portrayed with raw intensity. This novel is a powerful exploration of friendship, love, and betrayal. The bonds forged between Charley and her newfound companions are both heartwarming and heartbreaking. The betrayals that follow force Charley to confront her deepest fears and vulnerabilities. Yet, it is through these trials that she ultimately finds her strength and resilience. A must-read for those seeking a story that is both thought-provoking and emotionally meaningful.

Sublime Line: “A story of transformation, this novel challenges, inspires, and ultimately leaves a lasting impression.”


Sublime Book Review



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