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The Awakening of Jim Bishop: This Changes Things by Ben Sharpton

The Awakening of Jim Bishop: This Changes Things by Ben Sharpton


The Awakening of Jim Bishop: This Changes Things

Ben Sharpton

Black Rose Writing, 232 pages

9781684338634, 1.20.22


Overall Rating = 4.17

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing & Delivery = 4

Editorial = 4.5

When Jim Bishop suddenly loses his wife, he contemplates the goodness she created in her life and decides he needs to pay it forward. Set in Charlotte, the path Jim takes leads him through a web of people who are interconnected in some way, and each of them have a void or a need in their life. Jim tries to help each one of them, and he is guided by a mysterious homeless man who seems to know everyone and their life stories.

 This novel presents an intriguing concept, connecting several people who, under normal circumstances, would likely never have met or interacted. And two people are the catalysts for the connections and the changes – Jean, Jim’s deceased wife, and Gene, a homeless man. Unlike some stories that have multiple characters who are easy to lose track of, Mr. Sharpton develops each one and makes us feel invested in them. He helps the reader gradually discover the different layers of each character: their faults, their secrets, and their problems. This story delivers a nice subtle message to its readers, involving us in the lives of people from many different walks of life, all of them needing help or a sense of purpose. A great feel-good story to curl up with.

 Sublime Line: “This Changes Things delivers a captivating inspirational message through well-developed characters and an intriguing concept.”

Sublime Book Review



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