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The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride by Joe Siple

The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride by Joe Siple



Joe Siple

Black Rose Writing, 234 pages

9781684330409, 5.10.18


Overall Rating = 4.63

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 4

Cover Marketability = 4.5

Editorial = 5

A very easy read, but definitely not in a negative way. One can instantly tell when a book is going to hit your feeling sensors directly. Murray McBride is 100 years old, lost his life-long wife, and has run out of reasons to keep going day in and day out. He befriends a dying 10-year-old boy who leaves his bucket list behind, and fate had it in store for Murray to find it. Together they attempt to cross off every single item on the list. Murray will bring your spirit up with ease, and make you hope you are half the man he is one day.

Sublime Line: “An emotional tale of finding the will to live again. Tag along in the Chevy with these two young souls and enjoy the ride.”


Sublime Book Review



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