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Jihadi Bride by Alastair Luft

Jihadi Bride by Alastair Luft



Alastair Luft

Black Rose Writing, 286 pages

9781684333394, 8.29.19


Overall Rating = 4.38

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing and Delivery = 4

Cover Marketability = 4.5

Editorial = 5

Jihadi Bride by Alistair Luft (The Battle Within, 2017) is a gut-wrenching, technically intuitive, story that shows the author’s rising potential. When task force agent Erik Petersson’s college-aged daughter, Arielle, converts to Islam and decides she’s going to answer the call to travel to Syria to assist victims of the raging civil war, he begins a tireless campaign to save her. What follows is a well-researched account of Islamic culture and the horrors of terrorism.

Erik’s quest to rescue her also forces him through a downward spiral. The author shows a gift with dialogue—conversations throughout the book are believable, and you can feel his characters’ emotions. In a few instances, the author could have expanded on an adequate description of the settings and locational transitions that leave the story feeling like a single-stage theatrical play when the scenery changes before the lights come back up. Jihadi Bride’s action scenes are compelling, descriptive, and excellently paced.

Sublime Line: “Ultimately, aside from a few slow chapters, Jihadi Bride is a smart thriller that gives the reader a scary peek inside one family’s harrowing experience with modern Islamic terrorism.”


Sublime Book Review



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