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Mothers of Pine Way by Corrine Ardoin

Mothers of Pine Way by Corrine Ardoin


Mothers of Pine Way

Corrine Ardoin

Black Rose Writing, 229 pages

9781684337033, 5.13.21


Overall Rating = 3.33

Storyline & Concept = 3

Writing & Delivery = 2.5

Editorial = 4.5

Mothers of Pine Way continues the saga of a complex family drama in a small-town setting. It focuses on Ev, Candelaria, and Rosa, three generations of women, and the tangled relationships they have with each other and the men in their lives. A large cast of supporting characters helps Candelaria uncover the strength and resilience she inherited from her mother.

This novel chronicles the story of three women who are influenced by their heritage and the tragic events in their lives. The author does a nice job of developing these characters, along with those who cross their paths, giving us a window into their personalities and their emotions. A strength of this book is in the descriptions of the settings, immersing the reader in the small-town atmosphere with the intertwining of relationships and past experiences. On the downside, the rapid switching of point-of-view and time periods is distracting and weakens the flow of the narrative. Although this is the second in a series, the backstory is well-handled by the author, and it can be read on its own.

Sublime Line: “A multi-generational family drama in small-town America with vivid descriptions and a focus on strong female protagonists, love, and courage.”

Sublime Book Review



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