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Hope Always Rises by Kathie Giorgio

Hope Always Rises by Kathie Giorgio


Hope Always Rises

Kathie Giorgio

Black Rose Writing, 293 pages

9781685132422, 2.28.23

Overall Rating = 4.83

Storyline & Concept = 4.5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 5

Hope Always Rises recounts the story of Hope, a woman who suffered from depression her entire life and who, at forty-three, finally decides to end it. She arrives in Heaven to discover a gated community reserved for those who ended their lives voluntarily. She struggles to come to terms with her life, her decisions, and all that she lost, but new friendships, a surprisingly human-like God, and the rediscovery of her creative self propel her on her journey.

This novel creates an emotion-filled ride through a roller-coaster of ups and downs. It evoked chuckles, tears, moments of deep consideration, and periods of pain. It vacillated from a light read to a dark plunge, but it was never dull. Written with brilliance and an expertise in word-crafting, Hope Always Rises will remain in the reader’s thoughts long after the last word is read. However, some words of caution are needed. Although the term “trigger” is hated by some, this novel is written around plenty of them, most notably the disturbing subjects of depression, suicide, and the consequences of each. From a spiritual perspective, some may take offense with the portrayal of an almost human-like God, but I accepted it as a work of fiction and was intrigued by the vision of Heaven and its leader.

Sublime Line: “For a brilliantly written, humorous, and courageous view of a difficult subject, look no further than Hope Always Rises.”




Sublime Book Review



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