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Becoming American by Cary D. Lowe

Becoming American by Cary D. Lowe


Becoming American

Cary D. Lowe

Black Rose Writing, 285 pages

9781684334629, 4.30.20


Overall Rating = 4.08

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing & Delivery = 3.75

Editorial = 4.5

Becoming American is the memoir of an Austrian-born son of Holocaust survivors. It tells the story of his desire to be an American as he grew up on American military bases in Europe, and it follows his eventual move to the United States, where he became a successful lawyer and political activist.

This is a well-written account that takes the reader from post-war Europe, seen through the eyes of a child, to the United States, as a teenager and adult. The author pursues his education, first through the Navy, then later as a civilian, testing different career paths until he finds his niche as a real estate lawyer, using that platform to give back to his adopted country. Although, there are sections of the manuscript I found overly detailed, the adventures of the author are undeniably interesting, of a level and variety most among us never experience. It was thought-provoking to see the influence his early life as a young Jewish boy in Europe had on his later interactions, beliefs, and career in America.

Sublime Line: “A well-written memoir chronicling the intriguing life and influences of a post-war Jewish child who becomes an American lawyer and activist.”

Sublime Book Review



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