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Ain't Nothin' Personal by Chris Kelsey

Ain't Nothin' Personal by Chris Kelsey


Ain’t Nothin’ Personal

Chris Kelsey

Black Rose Writing, 276 pages

9781684337026, 5.6.21


Overall Rating = 4.5

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 3.5

The third in the series, Ain’t Nothin’ Personal takes us on another adventure with Emmett Hardy, a small-town Oklahoma police chief in the 1960s, temporarily suspended from duty. He fills this off-duty time with an investigation into an old case concerning a childhood friend. Once again, he comes up against powerful people, and the buttons he pushes lead to violence and threats against him and make him question who he can trust as the case comes a bit too close to home for comfort. 

Having read Mr. Kelsey’s previous novels, I am a big fan of his writing style, his characters, and his witty dialogue. This book is no exception. The fast-paced plot is well-balanced with backstory and insights into Hardy’s character, grabbing and holding the reader’s attention. I was immersed into the small-town atmosphere, to the point that I felt as out-of-place as the police chief when he had to go to New York City. Although, you can read this as a standalone, chances are you will want to pick up the first two. I hope to see a lot more from this talented author.

Sublime Line: “Ain’t Nothin’ Personal is another not-to-be-missed installment in the Emmett Hardy series: witty, fast-paced, and irresistible.”

Sublime Book Review



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