Sublime Line: “A thrilling adventure that takes readers on an exciting ride where the ordinary collides with the extraordinary.”
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All tagged paranormal
Sublime Line: “A thrilling adventure that takes readers on an exciting ride where the ordinary collides with the extraordinary.”
Sublime Line: “Bloodwork is an unusual, dark love story that brings together two predators with an unstoppable destiny.”
Sublime Line: “An intriguing tale of two exceptional women, separated by a century, but connected by common relationships and traumas.”
Sublime Line: “Extinguishing Shadows is a vivid, imaginative, paranormal adventure filled with action and romance.”
Sublime Line: “Black Rock is another fantastic novel from David Odle, making this a must-read for horror, thriller, suspense, and paranormal readers alike.”
Sublime Line: “This enchanting, action-filled story gives the reader a glimpse into a world of magic, love, and belonging with some unexpected twists and turns.”
Sublime Line: “A powerful, well-written story of love, hate, friendship, ambition, and so much more, delivered with characters you won’t soon forget.”
Sublime Line: “An exceptional World War Two story, set in Japan, that gives the reader a complete package of spectacular descriptions, history, romance, and the paranormal.”
Sublime Line: “If you are looking for some suspense, and then some more suspense, and then just a bit more suspense, you’ve come to the perfect haunted house story.”
Sublime Line: “The Ghost of Jamie McVay stands as a timely parable for the rippling consequences a single act can bring to lives. The search for atonement, redemption, justice, while fighting unrepentant evil.”