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Special Access by Mark A. Hewitt

Special Access by Mark A. Hewitt


Special Access

Mark A. Hewitt

Black Rose Writing, 657 pages

9781612962559, 9.19.13


Overall Rating = 3.42

Storyline & Concept = 3.25

Writing & Delivery = 3.5

Editorial = 3.5

Special Access is the first in a five-book series of military thrillers. It introduces Duncan Hunter, a retired fighter pilot, who becomes enmeshed in situations and missions over a time span of twelve years.

The author’s experience and knowledge of aircraft and military procedures shines through in this novel, but at over 650 pages, it requires a commitment. The plot has plenty of action and covers counterterrorism missions, including events surrounding 9/11 and the search for Osama bin Laden. It also undertakes conspiracies and corruptions involving the then-Democratic government and President. The flawless protagonist is portrayed as a superhero who must choose between friendship and patriotism. At the end of the novel, an eight-page glossary is provided for the numerous acronyms used throughout the novel.

This novel will thrill fans of technical military procedures and spy conspiracies. However, the author’s decision to politicize the plot may not appeal to all readers.


Sublime Line:Special Access is an action-packed military thriller that will appeal to lovers of political conspiracies and CIA counterterrorism missions.”

Sublime Book Review



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