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Past Grief by Edward J. Leahy

Past Grief by Edward J. Leahy


Past Grief

Edward J. Leahy

Black Rose Writing, 326 pages

9781684336524, 3.18.21


Overall Rating = 4.75

Storyline & Concept = 4.5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 4.75

An NYPD police detective, Kim Brady, is given the lead on an important and complicated multiple-homicide case in Manhattan. Dealing with her father’s recent suicide, himself an ex-cop, Kim needs to put the ghosts of her past behind her to focus on the case. Yet, as the investigation progresses, those ghosts are pushed to the forefront and add an extra challenge to an already difficult and dangerous case.

Past Grief is a complex, police procedural that brings together a multitude of elements: a mass shooting; Kim’s relationships with her late father, her boyfriend, and her colleagues; a transgender character; and corruption within the police department that circles back to her feelings for her father. The author does an excellent job of capturing and creating the atmosphere, the lingo, and the relationships of a large-city police department, making it possible to imagine it on the big screen. The characters feel authentic and believable, especially Kim, who is a tough, smart cop, but her emotions simmer beneath the surface, adding an important layer to the story. This novel bursts out of the gate with a blast of action, and it keeps up the pace throughout. A highly recommended read.  

Sublime line:Past Grief is a high-action, cinematic ride through a big-city police department with well-drawn characters and an intricate, captivating plot.”

Sublime Book Review



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