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Mystic Invisible by Ryder Hunte Clancy

Mystic Invisible by Ryder Hunte Clancy


Mystic Invisible

Ryder Hunte Clancy

Winter Goose Publishing, 267 pages

9781952909054, 3.17.2021


Overall Rating = 5

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 5

In Mystic Invisible, fifteen-year-old Monte Darrow moves with his mystical family to the Highlands of Scotland, where his parents have been tasked with ridding the area of vicious cat siths and the mastermind behind them. Monte, his family, and his newfound friends are forced to fit into a world where a moratorium on magic is enforced, but danger and betrayal is around every corner.

 This novel is perfect in every sense. The author has weaved an intricate and intriguing plot with captivating characters and vivid settings that jump off the pages at you. There are heart-thumping action scenes alongside others that are warm and humorous. The quality of the writing is beyond exceptional. The author writes with flair, wit, and talent, giving the story a natural and seemingly effortless flow, creating a world of its own for the reader. If you are a Harry Potter fan, or a fan of any magical, mystical world, this book is a must-read.

Sublime Line: “Top marks for this captivating novel that will sweep you away to the magical hills of Scotland and immerse you in a story you won’t soon forget.”

Sublime Book Review



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