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Miranda Fights by Gail Ward Olmsted

Miranda Fights by Gail Ward Olmsted


Miranda Fights

Gail Ward Olmsted

Black Rose Writing, 259 pages

9781685135218, 12.5.2024

Overall Rating = 4.67

Storyline & Concept = 4.25

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 4.75

In this third installment of Olmsted’s Miranda series, we find our tenacious heroine, Miranda Quinn, balancing her career as a legal aid lawyer with her volunteer work as a counselor for at-risk teens. She uncovers a disturbing pattern: teenage girls are disappearing from youth homes. She befriends a scrappy, street-smart girl, who happens to be the daughter of her estranged high-school buddy. Miranda is on the case again, trying to find the girls and the people behind a horrible sex trafficking ring.

Miranda meets a kindred spirit in the form of Lennon, another strong-willed woman who has fought for everything in her young life. As always, the author delivers another well-developed character that the reader can fully enjoy. Although the plot is not as fast-paced as the previous two novels, Olmsted’s signature blend of humor and compassion keeps the pages turning. Miranda’s struggles aren’t confined to her professional life; she grapples with personal dilemmas and challenges at home, adding depth to her character and story. The sensitive issue of sex trafficking is handled with expertise, avoiding gruesome details while still conveying the gravity of the situation—a balance this reviewer greatly appreciated. While this book can stand alone, the first two novels in the series are must-reads that will deepen your connection to Miranda’s world. I suspect Olmsted has more material to continue this wonderful series, and I hope she does. This book would appeal to lovers of mysteries as well as women’s fiction.

Sublime Line: “Miranda Quinn returns, tackling the dark world of sex trafficking with her trademark grit and an unexpected ally in a must-read third installment.”


Sublime Book Review



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