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Lunch Tales: Suellen

Lunch Tales: Suellen


Lunch Tales: Suellen

Lucille Guarino

Black Rose Writing, 297 pages

9781685135591, 2.13.2025

Overall Rating = 5

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Editorial = 5

Suellen lives a privileged life, given the best of everything with no financial worries to hold her back. Yet she seems to always get involved with the wrong type of guy. Does it have anything to do with her wildly different parents who divorced and went their separate ways? While she’s working as a young attorney in a successful firm, Suellen meets Adam, a former classmate, and wonders if her romantic luck has finally taken a turn for the better, even as she’s being stalked by her ex-boyfriend. Along comes a health scare, and her world is turned upside down.

In this character-driven story, the protagonist is flawed, but relatable. Her struggles with love and trust create a complicated dynamic with Adam, a man who is steady, caring, and genuinely good. Yet it’s his goodness that ultimately terrifies Suellen, exposing her vulnerabilities. Their romance is a delicate exploration of the tension between fear and hope, making readers root for their connection, even as Suellen pushes him away. Adding depth to the narrative are the supportive but imperfect lunch friends at the law firm. These characters provide humor, heart, and much-needed perspective as Suellen faces a life-altering medical diagnosis. The depiction of their camaraderie is authentic and heartwarming, balancing Suellen’s darker moments. An excellent exploration of self-sabotage and personal growth, the author delivers a journey that is raw and realistic, marked by setbacks and small victories portrayed with sensitivity and depth. The stalker subplot adds a layer of tension to the story, heightening the stakes. A commendable beginning to what looks to be a great series to come.

Sublime Line: “With sharp writing, complex characters, and heartfelt emotions, this is a compelling story of resilience and the transformative power of love and friendship.”


Sublime Book Review



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