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Lies Lead to Death by Stephen W. Briggs

Lies Lead to Death by Stephen W. Briggs


Lies Lead to Death

Stephen W. Briggs

Black Rose Writing, 317 pages

9781685130107, 8.18.22

Overall Rating = 3.67

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing & Delivery = 2.5

Editorial = 4.5

 David’s story continues in this second installment of the Family of Killers series. The group of professional assassins and weapons dealers, going by the name of The Family, is encountering problems from many fronts: interference from a rival organization, a mole within the government, and the advent of new technology.

 The author, having established the history of The Family and David’s upbringing in the first novel, now leads the reader through the challenges of being involved in an organization that deals with murder-for-hire. Again, the protagonists are both good and bad, but the morality of the situation is deftly handled by the author’s portrayal of the characters. The backstory is also well managed, making it easy to read without having read the first novel, but it will likely encourage readers to pick up Memoirs of an Assassin to see how it all began. There is plenty of action, most of it violent, but those thirsting for murder and mayhem will enjoy seeing it from a different angle.

 Sublime Line: “A professional assassin with an impressive reputation is the driving force of this action-packed sequel.”


 Sublime Book Review



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