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From Pink to Black by A.G. Hailstalk

From Pink to Black by A.G. Hailstalk


From Pink to Black

A.G. Hailstalk

225 pages

9798870238739, 11.29.2023

Overall Rating = 2

Storyline & Concept = 2.5

Writing & Delivery = 2

Editorial = 1.5

From Pink to Black tells the story of Monique, a young black woman who is haunted by the death of her sister at a very young age from breast cancer. Her concerns about the lump in Kayla’s breast had been dismissed by medical professionals because she was both young and black, putting her in a lower risk bracket. Her sister’s death, her boyfriend’s desertion, and her return to living with her mother sends Monique’s life into a downward spiral.

The central theme of this novel is the difference in attention, respect, and treatment of black women versus white women by the medical community, leaving black women at a higher risk of severe, untreated illnesses such as breast cancer. The story is told from Monique’s point of view and shows us how her life was affected by her sister’s fate, and how it destroyed her future and her love life. Bizarrely, a strange twist near the end of the novel sends the plot in another direction for no apparent reason. Although the message of the novel is both important and timely, the lack of proper editing and certain implausible plot points are too distracting for the reader.

Sublime Line: “From Pink to Black delivers an important message about the unfair treatment of black women by the medical community, putting them at a higher risk.”

Sublime Book Review



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