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Daisy in the Doghouse by Joe Barrett

Daisy in the Doghouse by Joe Barrett



Joe Barrett

Black Rose Writing, 248 pages

9781684333103, 8.15.2019


Overall Rating = 4.75

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery = 5

Cover Marketability = 4

Editorial = 5

Daisy in the Doghouse by Joe Barrett (Managed Care, 2018) is a story revolving primarily around Daisy, a twelve-year-old girl, and her father Jack, currently a stay-at-home dad. The chemistry between the two is amazing and sets up some great humor throughout the story as they explore the limits of a blog, created by none other than Daisy herself. The blog was set up as a way for Daisy to create some sly little experiments targeted at her family to show some social awkwardness and silly humor. It is briefly used for just that purpose until her father, Jack, and the rest of the family find out. Her father hijacks the following his daughter has established as a platform to communicate the disgust he has for the corporate world to the American youth. This ultimately leads to a system that allows visibility and accountability to those that offer help and those that don’t.

Sublime Line: “This is an amazingly well-written novel that gives the reader a good dose of laughter and reminds us that greed should take a back seat to helping others.”


Sublime Book Review



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