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Breakage by David-Michael Harding

Breakage by David-Michael Harding



David Michael Harding

Black Rose Writing, 315 pages

9781685132484, 08.10.23

Overall Rating = 5

Storyline & Concept = 5

Writing & Delivery 5

Editorial = 5

Donnie Chariot is a human computer, able to manipulate numbers and data with mind-boggling speed. He uses his amazing gift to become the best horse race handicapper in the country and to make himself and his clients very rich. His ruthlessness is well-known and greatly feared. However, when he is struck by early-onset Alzheimer’s, his house of cards is severely threatened, and he needs his similarly gifted daughter on-board to help him, by whatever means possible.

Breakage is a thriller with a difference, where nothing is cut and dried. It takes the reader into an underworld of horse race gambling where the line between good and evil is very blurred. The author skillfully created characters that built a love-hate relationship for the reader. The protagonist was deeply flawed, with a thread of evil running through him, yet he evoked respect and sympathy. The same could be said of most of the “bad guys.” The action was fast paced, at times gruesome, and never boring. This is a finely crafted and highly recommended read for hard-boiled crime and thriller lovers.

Sublime Line: “Perfectly coordinated, from the characters to the dialogue and beyond, to deliver a chilling, hard-to-put-down read.”



Sublime Book Review



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