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Betrayed by Joseph Lewis

Betrayed by Joseph Lewis



Joseph Lewis

Black Rose Writing, 331 pages

97816843355725, 11.12.20


Overall Rating = 4.42

Storyline & Concept = 4.25

Writing & Delivery = 4.5

Editorial = 4.5

Betrayed is the third installment in the series by Joseph Lewis and is not likely to be the last. The stories revolve around a blended family with biological and adopted brothers, many of whom have had tragic events in their past. Their adventures in this novel involve aiding law enforcement to find a missing Native American boy, which inadvertently pulls them into a larger case of intimidation, greed, and murder.

This novel is an action-packed thriller that will keep the reader turning the pages. Interspersed throughout the book are scenes of introspection and self-doubt from the point of view of the principal protagonist, Brian, as he contemplates his sexuality and his place in his adoptive family. The writer does an excellent job using these scenes to adjust the pace of the story and to gradually feed backstory to the reader. The element that required suspension of disbelief on my part was the leeway law enforcement gave to a group of minors regarding firearms and driving permits, not to mention sending them on a potentially dangerous mission. That being said, the descriptions of settings and characters are extremely well done, and the pacing is perfect. The ending ties up all the loose ends, yet you feel (and hope) there will be more from these characters in the future.

Sublime Line: “Action and adventure are the words of the day in this thrilling, well-written, page-turner from Joseph Lewis.”

Sublime Book Review



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