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Barney and Mr. Thomas by Mimi Strom

Barney and Mr. Thomas by Mimi Strom


Barney and Mr. Thomas

Mimi Strom

204 pages

9781087892337, 9.4.20


Overall Rating = 3.33

Storyline & Concept = 4

Writing & Delivery = 3

Editorial = 3

Barney and Mr. Thomas by Mimi Strom is a science fiction book of short stories written for middle-school children featuring the inventor, Mr. Thomas, and his eager assistant, Barney. Each story flows into the next as Barney and Mr. Thomas embark on new adventures while being challenged by villains and obstacles along the way. Throughout the book, Barney struggles with the secret that he unwillingly transforms into an alligator creature when he becomes upset. He relies on Mr. Thomas to help him. The characters each undergo their own personal emotional evolution, which makes the reader feel connected to them and creates a deeper understanding of how much these characters mean to one another.

 Strom’s short stories are action-packed and imaginative, while also diving into important emotional elements relatable to readers. The portrayal of mental illness is represented through Barney’s physical transformation when feeling upset or angry and his lack of control in these moments. The book would have benefited from additional editing. Spelling and grammatical errors are found throughout. Despite this, each short story is built around a unique invention and is a suitable length to grasp the reader’s attention. Middle-school readers would find this book engaging since there is ample dialogue and action, as well as likeable characters. 

 Sublime Line: “Barney and Mr. Thomas is an imaginative collection of science-fiction short stories filled with unique adventures and evolving relationships that are engaging for the middle-school reader.”

Sublime Book Review



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