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A Prison Without Locks by David Ruggerio

A Prison Without Locks by David Ruggerio


A Prison Without Locks

David Ruggerio

Black Rose Writing, 216 pages

9781684336203, 11-25-2020


Overall Rating = 3.5

Storyline & Concept = 4.25

Writing & Delivery = 3.75

Editorial = 2.5

A Prison Without Locks is a novel in the horror genre set in a small New York town where residents are disappearing and the local doctor has deep, dark secrets.

This book has its fair share of heart-pounding moments, when the creepiest of creatures are combined with the scariest of circumstances to create a story that reminded me of watching nail-biting horror movies in a cinema. The author has a talent for writing good descriptions and settings, and he builds enough action into the plot to keep the reader interested. The small-town setting helps to give a dark and creepy feeling to this story about a malevolent doctor and his work with the undead.

Sublime Line: “A horror novel that gives you equal parts creepiness, sinister settings, and heart-pounding descriptions.”

Sublime Book Review



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