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All Hope of Becoming Human by Lonnie Busch - Audiobook Version

All Hope of Becoming Human by Lonnie Busch - Audiobook Version


All Hope of Becoming Human - Audiobook

Lonnie Busch (Author)

Patricia Shade (Narrator)

15 hours and 45 minutes, 03-14-2024


Overall Rating = 4.5

Storyline & Concept = 5

Delivery = 4

Presentation = 4

Technical = 5

All Hope of Becoming Human unearths a chilling mystery when a gruesome wave of killings by unknown creatures erupts alongside the shocking discovery of a massive, buried object. Rebecca Duccati, an assistant archaeologist, stumbles upon a hidden truth in a dig site in Arizona. Witnessing something otherworldly, she helps FBI Special Agent Zach Demzey unravel the connection between the monstrous murders and the unearthed artifact.

This novel is a fast-paced read. Author Lonnie Busch masterfully weaves together action, suspense, and rich, relatable characters, while delivering a plot that is both horrifying and captivating. The narrator is a female and presents the story with a clear, properly accentuated voice, even when called upon to pronounce technical terms or ancient mythological names. She uses different tones and patterns for most of the dialogue, but with a shortage of dialogue tags, it’s sometimes difficult to follow who is speaking. For the most part, emotions and action sequences are well-captured in the narration. For lovers of audiobooks, this is a well-crafted and entertaining version that will delight sci-fi fans and thrill seekers.

Sublime Line: “A thrilling blend of science fiction, horror, and suspense, delivered in a clear, engaging voice.”


Sublime Book Review



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